We must embrace our unique qualities, our "funk." We must understand the relationship between genius and madness, or brilliance and eccentricity. Understanding this relationship is crucial for anyone striving to reach a world-class level in their field, as it is fundamental to their being.
We have to ultimately embrace our funk; embrace our eccentricity; embrace what makes us different and then build on it.
Don't try for perfect. Bad ain't always bad. Sometimes doing it the "wrong" way sets you apart. This "pixel perfect" obsession in design, it's everywhere. But I hate it. My work, it's "pixel imperfect." And it's made me stand out. I'm faster than any designer I've met. I deliver on time, every time. And my imperfections are unique. They make me me. Embrace your funk.
Build your personal monopoly. Be authentic, create your brand. Don't be anyone, commit to being someone. FedEx is speed. Pick a niche, stand for something specific. Sell a product that's an extension of you. Nobody can beat you at being you.
Awareness is key. Understand your environment. Don't strive for perfection, strive for authenticity. It'll make you stand out, set you apart. Embrace your imperfections, they make you unique. Like Josh Waitzkin says, "embrace your funk."